Saturday, March 21, 2015

Shalev's UnBarmitzva

It took thirteen years, but Shalev has finally reached the age of reason and maturity.
Well, relatively speaking that is.
One of the things that mark his coming of age, is his becoming the tallest one of us. Shalev passed Bar's height just this week.
Another mark is his persistently improving sense of humour, and his talented cake making.

We wish Shalev a lot of happiness and joy, maturity and patience, and many reasons to prepare yummy cakes.

We gathered in a restaurant in Kiryat Motzkin, and had lunch together, all of the family who could make it.
After discussing it, we arrived at the conclusion that this is the first meeting of all five Finkelstein siblings since Reshsef was born, 23 years ago.
So we talked, we ate, and talked some more.
May we meet more in happy occasions.

Some pictures from the event here & here.

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