Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sukkot 2013

Hello all our friends and family. First of all, we wish you a happy new year, may you all be healthy and wealthy.

Sukkot this year started with building a tree house for Sheer, for her 4th birthday. Probably the most elaborate gift I ever made. We started at a height of 3.5 meters, but I decided this was too high, so we re started at 2 meters high. Eng Sternfeld authorized the house after several fixes, and it can carry ~100 kilos.

Next on the agenda came The Gilboa Balloon Festival, where we saw a show of fire and dancing, watched balloons fly and fireworks. On the following morning, 31 balloons flew from the landing field, and then 25 paragliders flew and many trikes.
Some pictures Dany took from the event: pics from Gilboa Balloon Fest
And also a movie of Dany's flight from the Gilboa to the Kinneret where me and the kids picked him up: Movie

And last but not least, all of us went to Icon - Israel largest SciFi convention in Tel Aviv. We saw a lot of SciFi fans, dressed as Anime, DoctorWho, Roman arena fighters, Orcs and other characters.
In Icon we attended a launch of Once upon a future, a book which contains one story of mine, and I received a first prize on a story contest, for my SciFi story "As Ketchop To Hummus".
As Ketchop To Hummus
once upon a future

So, a great start to what will hopefully turn out a great year.
May peace and happiness seek and find you at every corner.