Monday, August 07, 2017

Summer 2017 - Iceland

Hi to all our friends and family.

Been a while since we wrote and published in the blog. Possibly this isn't the most posh communication method existing.

So, anyways, some updates.
Bar is now two thirds of the way into his army service. He is now in Rehovot, working with Ethiopian youth. He has the making of a great educator.
Shalev has finished middle school, and entering high school in a month, where he will be focusing on physics and music. Cinematography, his greatest passion, doesn't open this year, but I hope he can find an extracurricular activity that will help him maintain his interest.
Sheer will be starting third grade in a month, with a new teacher, but the same classmates.
I've started working as hydro-therapist a few months ago, to my great pleasure, and am still working part-time at Intel, which I also enjoy.
Dany is working at Intel, still flying frequently and taking pictures.

And this summer, all five of us went to Iceland.
We went about a third of the ring road (a road around Iceland) and also to snaefelsness.
We did a lot of hiking, a horse riding tour, amphibian tour in the ice lagoon, and saw many magnificent places.
It was extremely cold, and very much awe inspiring.

Map of our travels

Photos from Iceland - by Dany

Iceland movie - by Shachar

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Shalev's UnBarmitzva

It took thirteen years, but Shalev has finally reached the age of reason and maturity.
Well, relatively speaking that is.
One of the things that mark his coming of age, is his becoming the tallest one of us. Shalev passed Bar's height just this week.
Another mark is his persistently improving sense of humour, and his talented cake making.

We wish Shalev a lot of happiness and joy, maturity and patience, and many reasons to prepare yummy cakes.

We gathered in a restaurant in Kiryat Motzkin, and had lunch together, all of the family who could make it.
After discussing it, we arrived at the conclusion that this is the first meeting of all five Finkelstein siblings since Reshsef was born, 23 years ago.
So we talked, we ate, and talked some more.
May we meet more in happy occasions.

Some pictures from the event here & here.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Fauna - 1 May 1995, 16 Dec 2014

Dany tells of the time Fauna found him, she was a tiny kitten, around six weeks old, with black fur and white tufts behind her ears, like a Mogwai. He was walking out of a vaadat tarbut meeting (cultural committee) in the kibbutz dining hall, and she adopted him, and was so cute he just had to take her home.
Shachar tells of Fauna's first pregnancy, which coincided with Shachar's carrying Bar. When Fauna gave birth, I was seven months pregnant with Bar. We put her in a carton with some clothes to keep her warm, and I sat with her while she gave birth, and I could feel her contractions and knew that soon I would be following in her footsteps with my own labor, it was very moving. She was a great mother to her kittens.
Bar tells of the time when Sheer caught Fauna's tail, and Fauna didn't like it. So she moved, and Sheer crawled after her and tried to catch her. So Fauna moved to another corner of the carpet, and this process repeated itself many many times, with infinite patience on Fauna's side. She was a very tolerant cat.
Shalev tells of the time when he saw Fauna catch a dove. Dany tells about the mice she brought into our house in order to teach us to hunt, because obviously we weren't doing a good enough job by her standards. Shachar tells of the time when Fauna, almost eighteen years old, saw a dog come into our yard, and without any qualms chased him away. Dany tells of the time he saw he fighting a snake. She was a great hunter and a brave warrior.
Shachar tells of the numerous times when we had to show her where her food was, because she would refuse to eat the food unless shown where her plate is. Dany tells of the annoying habit of "I don't have enough on my plate. You have to fill it up more!". Bar tells of the amazing talent of hearing a tuna can being opened from 100 meter away. Dany tells of the amazing feat of hearing our car going into the street and recognizing its unique motor noise and running towards it with whine: "will someone please show me where my plate is?"
Sheer tells of the brown hues in Fauna's black fur.
Shachar tells of the time when Sheer was a baby and woke her up twice a night, with Dany unaware of baby cries, while Dany woke twice a night to let Fauna in/out, with Shachar oblivious to the cat's cries. Shachar and Dany both confess to a tendency to mix names between the two. Well, they are both small and whiny and cuddle worth.

This morning Fauna died having lived with us to the age of 19(!).
She died peacefully, in her sleep, at home with the people who loved her surrounding her and they had time to make their farewells. She chose the time of her own death, she stopped eating and waited to die.
May her soul hunt fearlessly in the lands of never ending mice and doves, of comfortable cushions and easy reachable laps.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Shana Tova 2014

Rosh Hashana is upon us again.

Wow, it's been a busy year, hasn't it?

Shalev finished 6th grade, and primary school, Pictures from his end-of-school show here.
He's becoming pretty big and is now in highschool, new place, new friends, lots of challenge.

Bar finished 12th grade, and high school. Pictures from his end of year show here.
He started a year of volunteering as a youth leader in HaShomer HaTzair. New place, new friends, lots of responsibilities and challenges.

Sheer became much stronger during this year, learned a many new things, started drawing very well, and started reading recently. She is in Gan Chova, new  kids, new kindergarten teacher, and having a grand time. Some pictures from private fashion shows  she does for us (may be restricted by google+).


Dany shifted to a different organization within Intel, and is now working at something totally new and challenging. New people, new place, lots of challenge and brain stretching.
Other than that, he still flies high and far, and takes lots of aerial pictures and videos.

Me, I've been unemployed the past year, after leaving Intel. I finished studying hydrotherapy, and working now on completing my internship. So this coming year will bring lots of challenge and new beginnings. Other than that, a story of mine won a prize, and another was published on paper, and I started drawing more seriously. I also gave a filming class for 6th graders. So shifting from engineering to artistic mode.

We took the yearly vacation in Slovenia, and you can see the pictures  and the movie.

It was a good year, all in all.

We wish you a happy year.
A year of challenge and fulfilment, of feeling loved and secure, of giving and receiving, of friendship and family bonding.

Special wishes to my brave sister Ayelet - a very very happy year to you.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sukkot 2013

Hello all our friends and family. First of all, we wish you a happy new year, may you all be healthy and wealthy.

Sukkot this year started with building a tree house for Sheer, for her 4th birthday. Probably the most elaborate gift I ever made. We started at a height of 3.5 meters, but I decided this was too high, so we re started at 2 meters high. Eng Sternfeld authorized the house after several fixes, and it can carry ~100 kilos.

Next on the agenda came The Gilboa Balloon Festival, where we saw a show of fire and dancing, watched balloons fly and fireworks. On the following morning, 31 balloons flew from the landing field, and then 25 paragliders flew and many trikes.
Some pictures Dany took from the event: pics from Gilboa Balloon Fest
And also a movie of Dany's flight from the Gilboa to the Kinneret where me and the kids picked him up: Movie

And last but not least, all of us went to Icon - Israel largest SciFi convention in Tel Aviv. We saw a lot of SciFi fans, dressed as Anime, DoctorWho, Roman arena fighters, Orcs and other characters.
In Icon we attended a launch of Once upon a future, a book which contains one story of mine, and I received a first prize on a story contest, for my SciFi story "As Ketchop To Hummus".
As Ketchop To Hummus
once upon a future

So, a great start to what will hopefully turn out a great year.
May peace and happiness seek and find you at every corner.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Toscana April 2011

Happy passover, Happy Pasqua, Happy Easter.

This year we decided to go to Toscana Italy.
April in Toscana is very similar to what our area could have been, given enough rain: Green, lush, colorful.
We had a great time together, ate a lot of pasta, gelato, and drank a lot of Chianti Classico. We even had a Seder dinner (quote: do we have Hametz in the house? Yes, check, next item.) Amazingly enough, most of us actually lost weight, probably because we walked and cycled so much. One of us even went swimming, but I wont say who.

Some pictures can be seen at here & here.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hanukka 2009

Happy Hanuka.

Hope you didn't eat too many fatty foods, and if you did - that you let yourself enjoy it and not feel remorse :)

May all of our candles be joined together to light a bigger light.

Some videos from our Hanukka vacation:

Shir is three months old, and started flipping.