It's been a week now since my father passed away. We will all miss him, his humour and Hungarian accent. In a way he keeps on living in Ruthie & me - we keep repeating things he used to say, imitating him. I still remember his voice from the time before he lost it to cancer and needed a machine to be his "voice".
Dad, a very active man in his way, became ill with a mysterious lung disease 2 years ago which was never diagnosed. It's symptom was low blood oxygen saturation levels. He needed to breath oxygen from external sources (tanks or from an oxygen generation machine ). Last week however, after being hospitalised for 2 weeks for tests, his heart decided the strain was too much and gave up...
Having suffered from his illness, he used to say in his typical wry humour - "I'm willing to compromise on heart failure...". He pretty much got his wish.
A very intelligent, nice man, if sometimes strange - but who isn't ?
We'll always remember him.
Some pictures of my father I collected and uploaded can be seen here.