We Drove down to Elifaz early last Monday to have the Seder with Shachar's brother Gilaad's family, with Tami, Yiftach & the kids and with Daveeda & Baruch who took a flight to Eilat.
We met Tami & Yiftach on the way and hiked wadi Tamar - a hike that involves descending ladders & ropes over high, dry waterfalls.
The Seder was held in the dining hall of Elifaz with about 30 people, most of them from our party.
The next day we went on a hike along the geological trail of Timna park. it's about a 4 hour walk along rocky terrain with steep climbs and descents.The beautiful and wild view made the effort worth while. Shalev walked almost the entire hike bravely on his own two feet. I was very proud of him. You can see our track as a google map or in 3D in google earth if you have it.
Wednesday we took it easy and went to visit the Hai Bar reserve near Yotvata.
On Thursday we got an early start and headed with Maayan to hike the Red Canyon, near the Egyptian border. This is a deep, not very long sand stone canyon, with
dry watrefalls, not as high as in wadi Tamar. Its a bit like a natural play ground for the kids (and grownups ). Again, here's our trail as a google map or in google earth.
On Friday we headed back up north, stopping in Ein-Yahav to watch a model-plane competition that was held there.
And it's back to work on Tuesday !
See more pics here.
This message is posted to Dany's blog on dany-sternfeld.blogspot.com
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