Wow, it's been a busy year, hasn't it?
Shalev finished 6th grade, and primary school, Pictures from his end-of-school show here.
He's becoming pretty big and is now in highschool, new place, new friends, lots of challenge.

Bar finished 12th grade, and high school. Pictures from his end of year show here.
He started a year of volunteering as a youth leader in HaShomer HaTzair. New place, new friends, lots of responsibilities and challenges.

Sheer became much stronger during this year, learned a many new things, started drawing very well, and started reading recently. She is in Gan Chova, new kids, new kindergarten teacher, and having a grand time. Some pictures from private fashion shows she does for us (may be restricted by google+).

Dany shifted to a different organization within Intel, and is now working at something totally new and challenging. New people, new place, lots of challenge and brain stretching.
Other than that, he still flies high and far, and takes lots of aerial pictures and videos.
Me, I've been unemployed the past year, after leaving Intel. I finished studying hydrotherapy, and working now on completing my internship. So this coming year will bring lots of challenge and new beginnings. Other than that, a story of mine won a prize, and another was published on paper, and I started drawing more seriously. I also gave a filming class for 6th graders. So shifting from engineering to artistic mode.
We took the yearly vacation in Slovenia, and you can see the pictures and the movie.

It was a good year, all in all.
We wish you a happy year.
A year of challenge and fulfilment, of feeling loved and secure, of giving and receiving, of friendship and family bonding.
Special wishes to my brave sister Ayelet - a very very happy year to you.