We did the Seder one day ahead of the rest of the jewish people worldwide, in order to accommodate my sister's family who were going abroad on the real Seder night.
Shalev sang the "Ma Nishtana" (Sorry for the somewhat shaky camera work):
The next day we set out to the Golan and hiked the Gilabun stream, spent the night on the Kineret shore and went the next day to the Yahudia stream.
Later this week we went to the Haifa children's theatre festival and spent a day there. the highlight was the Corpus group from Canada with their "A flock of flyers" performance, where they invited me in to their show as "Capitan Fiffy".
Shachar & Bar went to a Sci-Fi convention in Tel-Aviv, while Shalev and I went to to an amusment park for younger kids on the hottest day ever recorded ( +40 C ).
And today we're mostly vegging out. It's back to work tomorrow !
See more pics here.
This message is posted to Dany's blog on dany-sternfeld.blogspot.com