To all our dear friends and family,
Another autumn has come, and looking back on this year we see lots of excitement and adventures: outdoor hikes, violin concerts, judo activities, massage course, photography course, summer vacation in Jerusalem, some of us lost a significant number of kilos, some of us gained a significant amount of height, and one of us even lost their first baby tooth, and last but not least 36 hour Harry Potter Seven marathon.
All in all it's been a very happy and fulfilling year.
May the new year bless you with tranquility, peace, and happiness, health and a purpose in life.
Shana Tova ! שנה טובה
Love from the FinkelSternfeld family: Dany Shachar Bar & Shalev.
The picture above was taken flying over the beach in Arsuf, near Hertzlia - I spotted this guy writing "Shana Tova" in huge letters in the sand. - Dany
See more pics here.
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